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Undistracted 1 76 – Turn Off Everything That Distracts Younger

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It's Mindful Monday, and I woke up with distraction on my mind. Distraction affects our lives in numerous ways, with consequences ranging from distasteful to disastrous. Often it masquerades as something we proudly venerate: multitasking. But every time we multitask, we pull brain activity away from our primary task of the moment.

The Problem: Within this article, you'll find many distractions, and most of them are probably right there at your home base. Environments that have become too familiar to you can be a giant distraction in themselves, not just because of the different toys they give you access to, but also because of the mental associations and comforts they instill in your head. Don't Be Distracted. Distraction is the diversion of attention of an individual or group from the chosen object of attention onto the source of distraction. Distraction is caused by one of the following: lack of ability to pay attention; lack of interest in the object of attention; greater interest in something other than the object of attention; or the great intensity, novelty. Take advantage of 'car' time. Virtualdj 8 2 3624 download free. Some of the best moments with my 12 year old son are just the 2 of us in the car on the way to and from our busy schedules. Turn off the radio and just listen intently to what your child has to say. I have learned ALOT in these spurts of time about his friends and just about his heart. Yesterday the press got a shocking slap on the wrist. Vba emulator mac. 'The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while,' said Steve Bannon, a top Trump.

Distraction with Distasteful Consequences

A couple years ago, I set out to make a delicious stir-fry dinner from scratch. The finished product was to look like this:

I carefully assembled the ingredients, added them to the pan at appropriate times, and enjoyed the pleasing aroma as I waited to perform the last step. I was also multitasking: paying bills with online banking and setting the timer to alert me to perform the next cooking step. So when the final ding sounded, I rushed into the kitchen and added 2 tablespoons of cornstarch to the mixture. I alerted the family to head to the table while the sauce thickened… Only it didn't thicken – I had stir fry soup! So like a good Southern cook, I performed a taste test – and gagged. I realized that I had added 2 tablespoons of baking soda instead of cornstarch, and my fabulous meal was ruined. By multitasking, I made a small mistake that messed up my primary task – getting the meal on the table.

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Remember the last time you talked on your cell phone while driving? According to, that multitasking choice reduced your 'amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37%'. Have you ever sent or read a text message while driving? At 55 mph, that kind of multitasking removes your eyes from the road for 4.6 seconds on average. That's like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed, and the consequences can be disastrous.

In 2010, 18% of injury auto crashes were affected by driver distraction: 3092 people were killed and an estimated 416,000 people were injured in accidents involving a distracted driver ( Phone mockup png. Cell phones and smartphones standout as obvious distraction culprits because their use often requires the visual, cognitive, and manual focus of the driver. Yet other potential driver distractions include eating or drinking, applying make-up, shaving, adjusting an iPod, watching a video, reading maps or possibly using a GPS. Multitasking while driving or distracted driving can have disastrous consequences.

Distraction with Relationships

Maybe it's easy to see how multitasking can mess up a meal or a ride in the car. But how does distraction affect our relationships? How do you feel after unburdening your emotional pain to your loved one, and he absentmindedly grunts in response because he's distracted by something else? What do your children experience when you ask them about their day as your eyes remain glued to your iPhone, iPad, or TV screen? In relationships, repeated distraction can disrupt connections, because it draws our attention away from our primary task – connecting with someone else. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal explores a possible association between parental high-tech gadget use and childhood injuries. While there's no data to establish causation, an emergency room physician observes that '‘we think we're multitasking and not really feeling like we are truly distracted. But in reality we are.''

Cyberduck 6 7 0. How to Avoid the Consequences of Distraction with Mindfulness

Ryuichi sakamoto ongaku zukan rar download. Since distraction draws our attention away from our primary focus, a mindful approach invites us to return our mental focus to the present moment. Just remember 3 things the next time you feel the pull of distraction or multitasking:

  1. Observe (notice) what you are doing (your primary task of the moment): cooking, driving, spending time with someone. Also observe the pull of distraction.
  2. Accept the presence of your primary task in the moment and accept (acknowledge) the pull of distraction.
  3. Let go of the thoughts that pull you towards distraction and return your focus to your primary task as often as it wanders.

Here's what the 3-step process looked like for me today. While driving on the interstate, I observed the traffic around me and accepted the process of driving. I observed the sound of email and text alerts on my phone, but I let go of the need to check them. I observed the pull to call a friend and chat her up on the long drive. I accepted the presence of the pull, but I chose to let it go and I returned my focus to driving.

What might happen if you apply this process to distraction in your life?

Everything demands your attention. Today, devices, email and social media all vie for your heed at any given moment. The cost of these distractions to your personal and professional lives is well documented. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine found that it takes a typical office worker 25 minutes to return to the original task after an interruption, and an experiment by the authors of The Plateau Effect: Getting from Stuck to Success found that work interruptions decreased accuracy by 20 percent.

Related:5 ‘Do Not Disturb' Tips for Avoiding Tech Distractions

Undistracted 1 76 – Turn Off Everything That Distracts Younger Ones

There are other, less evident distractions, too. Surrounding yourself with negative people has been shown to influence weight gain, smoking and even your likelihood of divorce.

Take these steps to slash cognitive and emotional distractions, increase focus and thrive:

1. Stop digital pressures.

Carve out blocks of time—whether for work, exercise or people you care about—and turn off your phone and computer. Download the free app SelfControl, which shuts off especially distracting websites such as social media or news pages for a set period of time.

2. Give yourself frequent breaks.

Undistracted 1 76 – turn off everything that distracts younger ones

Undistracted 1 76 – Turn Off Everything That Distracts Younger People

Just because you can work 24/7 doesn't mean your mind or body are designed to do so.

3. Mind your physical health.

Exercise, plenty of sleep, healthy eating and all of those things you know you're supposed to do promote mental health and focus.

4. Turn off smartphone notifications.

Limit the number of times per day you check and respond to email, texts and social media. Remove the temptation to constantly keep an eye on these pests.

Undistracted 1 76 – Turn Off Everything That Distracts Younger Woman

5. Knock out the most dreaded duties first thing in the morning.

Have a difficult email you must send? Bills to manage? Need to initiate a difficult conversation? Get it off your to-do list and out of your mind, freeing you to be productive.

6. Eliminate or minimize negative people in your life.

These are people who play the victim, are stuck in unhealthy habits, or generally make you feel drained or bad about yourself. Surround yourself with those who are positive, focused, productive and ambitious. Remember the late iconic speaker Jim Rohn's rule: 'You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.'

'You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.'

Kirsten Searer

36; Las Vegas; senior director of communications for Education Pioneers

It's difficult to balance the daily grind of emails, social media and fires that pop up versus the thoughtful, strategic work I need to do to help transform my organization. I would feel frustrated, discouraged and overwhelmed that I worked long days and still needed extensions for my biggest goals and projects. I recently took control of my schedule. I identified four major goals for the year and outlined a percentage of time to dedicate to each. I start each week by writing out my intentions for each goal, then I map out a specific to-do list to support that work. I also leave time open for stuff that comes up so I don't feel stressed if I am sidetracked by other projects. I allocate time to spend networking or checking in with my colleagues to ensure I'm always making new connections. I push for shorter meetings, delegate when possible and keep Fridays mostly open, so I can catch up on the big goals. It isn't natural for me to be so structured with my time, but now I'm more productive and in control of my workdays. My boss is happy with my progress, too.

Tehsin Bhayani

34; Toronto; co-founder and CEO of Serind Labs

Whenever I hit an obstacle, I'd stop and watch Lost or Entourage, and I didn't return to my work until at least one episode was over. My company suffered as a result. Then I committed to practicing one new productivity habit every week and recorded my progress. Some of these habits include getting eight hours of sleep nightly, waking up at 5 a.m. and making my bed. I now read an average of two books monthly, no longer hang out with friends who start conversations by complaining, and joined a co-working space where I'm surrounded by people who are driven by great ideas, optimism and who possess the work ethic to make their ideas a reality. I still struggle with some newer habits, but it's changed my life.

Alex Berger

31; Copenhagen; product marketing manager of Adform

A few years ago, I learned to differentiate between people who saw the world through 'if only' and 'stuff happens' mindsets and systematically eliminated those whom I identified as the former. People who respond to matters with 'if only' have a victim mentality. 'If only I had his money, then I would be successful,' 'If only I had his luck, I would be in a happy relationship.' They are so caught up in looking outward that they miss out on opportunities when they present themselves because they lack the focus to see or act on them. People with 'stuff happens' mindsets acknowledge difficulties or setbacks, shrug them off, and focus on shaping their forward opportunities. Before I realized this difference, I spent a lot of energy trying to save the 'if only' people who just dragged me down and depleted my energy. This shift was critical to my success in grad school, landing a great job and building a really fantastic life as an expat living in Europe.

Related:How to Deal With the Negative Influences in Your Life

This article originally appeared in the September 2016 issue of SUCCESS magazine.

Undistracted 1 76 – Turn Off Everything That Distracts Younger Man

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